Open Access Data
The narrative and lexical elicitation data are open access. They can be used for teaching or research, or any other purpose. Anyone can view the Open Access data; no login is required. Simply search/browse the CAVA repository and view any file that appears without a lock.
If you want to download Open Access files to your computer, there are some terms and conditions that you must agree to first – see below.
CAVA Repository Open Access Terms and Conditions (for downloading)
These are the minimal terms and conditions that users must agree to when downloading BSL Corpus Project data from CAVA:
“This Agreement is made between you (the End User) and the British Sign Language Corpus Project, UCL Deafness, Cognition & Language Research Centre, (also referred to as the Registrar) and the service funders in order to provide you with the right to download and/or use the data collection provided through the CAVA repository, according to the terms below.
The CAVA repository is managed by UCL Library Services on behalf of UCL.
All material supplied via the CAVA repository is protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights, and duplication or sale of all or part of any of the data collection is not permitted outside of the conditions set out below.
I (the End User) agree:
1.Should I wish to publish or present any work based in whole or in part on the data collection, to cite/acknowledge the original data creators and the CAVA repository in the form specified here: /cava/acknowledgements-and-citation/. I will, wherever possible, send a copy of such publication/presentation to the Registrar.
2.That any annotations, transcriptions and/or translations of the data that I undertake will be shared with the Registrar at the earliest possible opportunity. (Note: Information about annotations/transcriptions/translations which are complete and/or in progress by the Registrar, as well as annotation guidelines, are available at: /cava).
The BSL Corpus open access data is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.