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Filming completed!

Phase 1 of data collection for the BSL Corpus Project is now complete! We have filmed an amazing 249 Deaf people from London, Bristol, Cardiff, Birmingham, Manchester, Newcastle, Belfast and Glasgow, which is a record number of participants recorded in a single sign language corpus project. Each of these participants were filmed telling personal experience stories, engaged [...]

By |2010-02-19T17:31:24+00:00February 19th, 2010|Academic News|0 Comments

Almost there: 237 people filmed, 14 to go!

We have now filmed 237 people across the UK, and are aiming for a final target of 250 participants. Jordan is currently working in Wales with our new Cardiff Deaf Community fieldworker, Sarah Lawrence, filming the last group of Welsh participants. Sarah has stepped up to take Jeff Brattan-Wilson's place as the local fieldworker - [...]

By |2010-01-29T11:09:21+00:00January 29th, 2010|Academic News|0 Comments

Welcome to Breish, and congratulations to Jordan, Ramas and Rose!

The BSL Corpus Project team been joined by a new DCAL Deaf intern - Breish Rowe. Breish is a psychology graduate from the University of Durham who has joined DCAL for one year. She'll be working on a number of DCAL projects, including the BSL Corpus Project. Welcome Breish! Jordan Fenlon, our project research associate, passed his PhD [...]

By |2009-11-11T17:18:36+00:00November 11th, 2009|Academic News|0 Comments

Welcome Evelyn, Dawn, Melinda and Kyra

The team would like to welcome three new Deaf community fieldworkers to the BSL Corpus project: Belfast fieldworker Evelyn McFarland, Newcastle fieldworker Dawn Marshall and Greater London fieldworker Melinda Napier. Melinda Napier has replaced Hamish Cooke. The BSL Corpus team would like to thank Hamish for all his hard work. Kyra Pollitt has accepted the [...]

By |2009-05-26T13:58:08+00:00May 26th, 2009|Academic News|0 Comments
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